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Equality Comparisons


1==` This is to compare two object values (not type strict).

!= This is to compare two object values do not equal (not type strict).

=== This is to compare two object values with type strictness.

!== This is to compare two object values do not equal with type strictness.

Bitwise shift operators

<< Bitwise left shift.

>> Bitwise right shift.

>>> Bitwise unsigned right shift.

Binary bitwise operators

& Bitwise AND.

| Bitwise OR.

^ Bitwise XOR.

Binary logical operators

&& Logical AND.

|| Logical OR.

?? Nullish Coalescing Opeartor.

Conditional operator

condition ? ifTrue : ifFalse Ternary conditional operator.

Spread operator

...obj Expands an interable (eg Array or String) or in objects it iterates the properties.