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Data Structures

Keyed collections


There is a Map type which represents key value stored data.

const map1 = new Map();

map1.set("a", 1);
map1.set("b", 2);
map1.set("c", 3);


Historically Objects were used as a Map, but there are some differences;

  • Map has no keys by default whereas Object has prototype keys which could collide.
  • Map keys are safe for using user provided keys, whereas Object is vulnerable to prototype override injections
  • Map keys can be any primative value whereas Object keys can only be String or Symbol types.
  • Map keys are ordered by the insertion order whereas Object keys are not guaranteed to have the same order.
  • Size of the map can be retrieved from the Size property whereas Object size needs to first get the Object.keys() and then call length.
  • Maps are iteratable whereas Objects are not as you must use for..of or Object.entries() to be able to iterate.
  • Maps are more performant as they are optimized key value stores.
  • Maps are not serializable by default whereas Objects can be by using JSON.stringify().


Sets are collections of data that keep unique values. You can not have the same value in a set more than once.

Sets are;

  • Iteratable
  • Ordered by insertion order
  • Lookup complexity is always less than O(N)
  • Set .has method is more performant than Array.includes

Sets can be composed together to find unions, differences, intersections etc.

  • A.difference(B) will return values that are in A but not B.
  • A.intersection(B) will return values that are in A and B.
  • A.symmetricDifference(B) will return values that are not in A and B.
  • A.union(B) will return a new Set with unique values in A and B.
  • A.isDisjointFrom(B) will return a Boolean true or false if any of the values in A intersect with values from B. True mean no values intersect, false means some intersect.
  • A.isSubsetOf(B) will return true if all values of A exists in B.
  • A.isSupersetOf(B) will return true if all values of B exist in A.

These functions can also be used with Set like types (eg Map)

Structured data - JSON

JSON is a data format in JavaScript which is object and array based. Think of it as an alternative to XML.

Used for data storage and data transfer.

Indxed collections

These are Array and TypedArray objects.


Three ways to create an array;

  • const arr1 = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  • const arr2 = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  • const arr3 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

You can also create an array using the first two functions above, but instead of passing elements, you pass the size of the array.

eg. const arr4 = new Array(5); will create an array of length 5 without any items inside.

Access the length through;

const length = arr1.length;

