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In order to perform long running tasks asynchronous programming is used. As JavaScript is single-threaded any long running task by default with block the main thread.

Event handlers

Event handlers are a form of asynchronous programming, you provide a function to call when back when an event occurs.


An event handler is a type of callback. A callback is just another function that is passed to another function.


A promise is a function that is returned by an asynchronous function after being called. The promise keeps track of the current state of the asynchronous function.

Promises expose two methods that will be called based on the outcome.

  • then() -> called when the promise finishes.
  • catch() -> called when an error occurs.


There are three states of a promise

  • pending - the promise has been created and is in a running state
  • fulfulled - the promise has succeeded
  • rejected - the promise has failed

Async / Await

The async and await keywords are a simpler way to work with promises.

A function must be defined as async in order to be able to run asynchronously.

In side the async function you can use the await keyword before calling a function that returns a promise. The await keyword makes the program execution wait there until the promise is fulfilled or rejected.

const slowCall = async () => {
const result = await fetch();
return result;

.then((result) => console.log(result))
.catch((error) => console.error(error));

Background tasks


The setTimeout function runs a function after a specific amount of time has passed.

const slowHello = () => setTimeout(() => console.log("Hello"), 1500);

sayHello(); // will output "hello" after 1.5 seconds


The setInterval function is similar to setTimeout except it doesn't only run once, it executes repeatedly on an interval.

const sayHelloEverySecond = () => setInterval(() => console.log("hello"), 1000);

setHelloEverySecond(); // will output "hello" every 1 second

Cancelling timeouts and intervals

To cancel a timeout or interval the clearTimeout or clearInterval can be used.

The result of the setTimeout or setInterval call returns an id that can be used to cancel.

let timerId = setTimeout(...);
let timerId = setInterval(...);