Getting a NIF as non-resident
A NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal) is a tax number in Portugal. To live in Portugal or purchase any Portuguese assets you most likely need a NIF. If you are an EU citizen or UK citizen but living in an EU country you can apply for a NIF directly at a tax office (financas) in Portugal.
- Go to a financas office when you are in Portugal. Search here
- Take a number in order to request a NIF. When I did this, I didn't make any appointment ahead of time, but just tried my luck and it wasn't very busy.
- When it is your turn you ask for a NIF.
- If you are a non-resident (still living outside of Portugal) then you need to present your identification document (eg. passport) and also a proof of address (eg. a utility bill from the country where you are living).
- The tax agent will be able to give you a document with your NIF in the same moment. The document will indicate that you are a non-resident.
~ 15 minutes
As long as you are able to speak to someone at the counter of the tax office, it takes about 15 minutes to complete the process and then you have a NIF which you can use forever.